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Human trafficking is defined as transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person.
Causes of human trafficking include poverty, lack of education, demand for cheap labor/demand for sex and the lack of human rights for vulnerable groups.
Traffickers can be a single person or a network of people. They often share the same national or cultural background is the victim. They can be any age or gender.
Victims of human trafficking may be forced to recruit, manage, and discipline other victims which could make them appear to be traffickers as well.
Traffickers can be a single person or a network of people. They often share the same national or cultural background is the victim. They can be any age or gender.
Victims of human trafficking may be forced to recruit, manage, and discipline other victims which could make them appear to be traffickers as well.
Traffickers can be a single person or a network of people. They often share the same national or cultural background as the victim. They can be any age or gender.
Victims of human trafficking may be forced to recruit, manage, and discipline other victims which could make them appear to be traffickers as well.
Flatters the victim, psychologically manipulates, gives expensive gifts, become intermittently violent
Helps run away victim, gives shelter to the homeless victim, provides drugs, helps victim avoid police/other authorities
Victim may be a member of the gang, the victim’s boyfriend may be in the gang, victim may be unaffiliated and preyed upon by the gang
Abducts the victim, uses physical force, holds the victim hostage, forces the victim to use more drugs to keep compliant
Loans the victim money or other assistance (housing, food, shelter, travel into country), insists the victim doesn’t need to pay the money back, later forces the victim into prostitution to pay off the debt, threatens harm for noncompliance
Be vigilant about your child's social media use:
Sexual Abuse: 1-800-656-4673
Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233
NJSP Missing Persons Unit
609-882-2000 x2554
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