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Current Members (Non-Life) or Approved Volunteers who move out of New Jersey will have the option of continuing their current membership status and requirement obligations or to change their status to an Auxiliary Angel. There will not be any need for a vote from the membership for this change in status. A written notification to the Membership Administrator will be required to do this.
Anyone applying for membership who currently lives out of New Jersey will automatically fall under the Auxiliary Angel designation.
An Auxiliary Angel, may request to change their status at any time to either an Approved Volunteer or a Regular Member. Membership requirements will apply. They must notify the Membership Administrator in writing and the change in designation must be voted on at the next regular business meeting.
A brief discussion will be permitted by the body and the Auxiliary Angel's request will be voted on at that time. A majority "Yes Vote" will be needed in order for the change to take effect.
If the designation change passes, all membership requirements for the new designation will apply going forward. If the Auxiliary Angel does not receive the necessary "Yes Votes",they must wait (6) months before they may request the designation change again.
Sexual Abuse: 1-800-656-4673
Domestic Violence: 1-800-799-7233
NJSP Missing Persons Unit
609-882-2000 x2554
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